Monday, September 21, 2009

long time

It has been a while since I've written anything, I've been stuck in a bubble of thought. Which ideally is the best time to be writing. We all know that I have a hard time connecting the dots sometimes. I wrote like crazy last night though. More like 'typed' like crazy. I started on one topic and went to a completely other end of the spectrum. It felt really good though, just getting it out of me. I was writing things that I've never told anyone. It was interesting. it felt good, by just shedding light on subjects that never were allowed to see the light of day. Almost like an at home healing I suppose. I'm realizing that when I hurt I shouldn't just try to hide from it. I should address it, both physical and emotional pain is easier for me to deal with if I put it in the spotlight.


  1. that is the best time to write, when your mind is bubbling over, you never know what might come out and you might even feel better because it is out, and if you are really lucky a solution to some of your troubling thoughts might even surface.

  2. Never good to keep things in otherwise one day you will just burst or breakdown...
