Monday, December 28, 2009

Far too long

I've been away far too long. I'm hoping to find my way back. Incidently I'm watching the Julia and Julie movie, where she to decides to blog and to set a deadline for herself. It's interesting how I combine food, movie and writing and suddenly feel like I should and could be more productive :) At least in part of my life. . . . . I find my self side tracked with thoughts. How do you take a person who loves to write but is unmotivated and avoids finishing anything that resembles a possible novel. Someone who adores cooking but has no desire to cook in a restaurant and also avoids presenting it to many people other than her children and herself. Someone who bubbles over with craft ideas but doesn't organize or set aside the time to properly work on them. Someone who would love to travel but fears being stranded. Someone who loves to go on drives but invisions the car breaking down whenever they know they will be driving for more than 15 mins straight. Someone who loves animals but doesn't quite know the best way to go about helping them. Someone who loves to sketch out dresses and design unique outfits, but doesn't teach themselves how to go about bringing them to life. Someone who has a love for history and culture but never uses it beyond telling silver lined stories to her 6 year old daughter. Someone who holds nothing closer to her than her family but feels at times awkward about reaching out. Someone who demands others see the potential in themselves but doesn't see it within. Someone who loves listening, guiding and often encouraging people with their personal issues but finds themselves self concious and frankly whiney about their own shortcomings in the mental department. Someone who loves to learn new things but has an anxiety of being around crowds no matter how small. How do you take this person and mold them into someone productive, useful, important and maybe possibly just by chance inspirational to at least one other human being?

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