Saturday, June 27, 2009


I tried my luck at taco soup yesterday, it seemed to go over well. It was a bit too spicy for some so hopefully the eclairs I made helped hold them over. I do enjoy cooking very much. My other half keeps trying to get me to take culinary classes, but I don't really have a desire to become a short order cook. I just don't think I'm cut out for it. I much more prefer to cook what I feel like cooking, and for my family. Next friday I think I'm going to attempt Lemon chicken. I'll have to see who I can recruit to have dinner with me :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

being aware

I cleaned Justice's room from ceiling to floor. It felt really good. I even scrubbed out the window cracks. The most amazing part of it all is it looks thoroughly lived in now :) Much easier to pick up now though. Next is my room. I have a bit more clutter in there though. Mostly stuff that I need to get rid of at the garage sale. But I'm not gonna lie I still have quite a bit of clutter that I really would prefer to keep :) my yarn, my books, my puzzles, my notebooks, my crafts, my fabric, ect. Although I do know that if I finally take care of it the way it should be that I'll have plenty of room to work on all kinds of crafts. And that is exciting, very exciting. I have a bit of cleaning A.D.D. I've realized, I'll start loading the laundry and then on my way to getting more clothes out of the bathroom I'll clean the bathroom mirror off, and then end up taking out the bathroom trash afterwards, which will then make me want to clean off the carpet infront of the door way, which will make me realize that some of Justice's toys have ventured out of her room and onto the floor in the living room, once the floor of the living room is picked up I'll realize that I should vaccum the floor, once that is done it's the perfect time to finally fold the clean clothes that have been camping out in the basket in the living room, I'll lay down a clean blanket and sit down and fold some clothes, I'll need a few hangers from Justice's room since most of her clothes hang in her closet, I'll bring the hangers out into the living room, Vera stirs in her crib so I go check on her and pat her back to sleep and notice the papers that need to be picked up in my room, once they are picked up I'll stack them neatly in the hall closet where I keep most of my filed papers, when I open the closet I notice that there are only three towels left in the closet, which reminds me that my load of laundry is still waiting to be filled. . . . .

Saturday, June 20, 2009

soda be gone

Well I haven't been working out as hard as I should but I haven't drank any soda. Justice decided that she is going to go without soda as well a couple days after I started and yesterday Mark decided he's going to go without it as well. We're going to tackle it together. Justice is rather excited about it because if she can make it every day until Grandma's birthday, Grandma said she'd try to stop smoking. Justice is doing really good about it too, she doesn't even talk about wanting soda unless she's around Grandma. I think we will all feel much better without it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

30 day challenge

here we go . . . . .
I officially started my challenge, it was shall we say much more than I'm use to. My legs burn, and I mean burn like crazy!
The timer ended on just under 19 mins and 136.1 calories. I feel good, but pretty tired. Tomorrow will be the real test, to see how that one goes.
I've also made another challenge for myself during these 30 days I'm also going to try and not drink any soda. I have faith in my capabilities :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The begining

I'm quite excited for a few upcoming things. First on the list is a class I'm taking with my mom. It's to make a type of leggings. Starts at the ankle and goes to just under the knee. There is also a pattern for ones that go up to mid thigh, but i think we'll wait on that one, see if things go well with the shorter ones. I'm a little worried about how many different needles I'll be working with, but we have to face our fears eventually right?
Another exciting thing! I'm signing my daughter Justice up for a two day cheer camp. After the two days she'll be able to march in the local parade. I did it when I was her age, and now I can't wait to see her in it.
Lsst, but definitely not least on the list is the upcoming 30 day challenge with my sister. We are both going to have the new active workout game for WII and we are going to go through the challenge together. I'm really excited about it, I definitely enjoy the idea of being able to talk to someone who is going through the same thing, and I like it even better it being a family member. Plus I just enjoy talking to her, the more reasons to the better. I'm going to take a picture at the start and measurements and then I will retake a picture and re-measure every three days. It wont show much improvement each time, might not even show any but I want to make it a thorough process.
I can't wait.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


have you ever been aware of you slipping into a 'glum' state of mind? It's almost like trying to talk yourself out of it. I attempt to go through everything I should be thankful for, everything I have that so many other people don't have. But, for some reason it just keeps creeping in.

Monday, June 1, 2009

not so free

The free spirited scarf I wrote about before is taking another route in its life. Not such a free spirit anymore. I've decided that I'm going to try a little harder on the construction of it. Learn from my mistakes. I'm considering that first picture being the rough draft. . This time I'm making sure to slip the first stitch to make the edges smoother. I'm keeping the general idea of the pattern still, but going to mix it up a little. I only have about ten rows as of right now, so I'll have to take a picture of it when the pattern can more clearly be seen. One of the best things about this is that my sister's birthday isn't until october :) which gives me a little extra room to wiggle when it comes to getting it done.