Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Another Day

Today is another day, another day for the good, the bad, the ugly and the amazing. All just depends on what I choose to take from it. Here at the end of the day I'm choosing to take the best. I'm taking the reassured fact of having a mother who is always there, even if she's being a little inconvenienced by my requests/needs. I'm taking the gift of another day with two of the world's most beautiful amazing girls. I'm choosing to think of all the good I have in my life, and all the things I have to be thankful for. I'm choosing to be happy.


  1. Life is always a choice.... all about how we use our power of choice!

  2. Happy is good, always take the happy! Just to let you know, hon, your guys' gifts have more work than everyone else, so they are going to be later than everyone else. I will work on finishing them when we get back from Ohio.
